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Embodied Therapy

I offer one-on-one therapeutic bodily oriented sessions online and in Berlin.  This means, that whatever the theme is, we aim to to anchor it in the body, in the sensations and impulses that manifests while the theme is being approached. We don't just talk about things, but attempt to also relate them experientially, sometimes also engaging with them playfully through the body.


A session lasts 75 mins, and could consist of talking, constellation work, movement and touch. If touch is involved, it is always clearly negotiated before, during and after. The frame isnt just embodied, but also systemic. We examine what comes up from a wide perspective, and take into consideration different aspects and realtions - physical, emotional, linguistic, relational, intergenerational and social structure. The orientation is mostly phenomenological: We are witnessing whatever appears, and learn to get to know and distinguish between your sensations, habitual responses, beliefs, judgements and language. Eventually we work on developing different and novel ways to relate to the themes you brought and were discovered. We set intentions, but don’t decide on a route in advance.


This work could help with different kind of difficulties and support a variety of processes: Reoccuring and overwhelming sensations and emotions, psychosomatic symptoms, anxiety, relationship patterns, feeling stuck in life or lacking clarity, sexuality and gender identity.


My work is trauma informed, but I am not a trauma therapist. I am very familier with queer life, and am a queer person myself. The price for a session is 75 euros, and the work is process oriented. It is also possible to come with a concrete theme for a focused one time session. There are limited 50 euros slots for people with lower income who would like to commit to a process and can’t afford to pay the full price. I won't ask why and you wont need to justify. Contact me for more information. 


I am a trained Feldenkrais Practioner and Family constellation Facilitator, and my approach is grounded in these two modalities and the philsophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Other landmarks are Focusing and the Language of NVC. I also draw on my extensive background in embodiment from years of training and playing in Dance, Somatics, Taiji, Meditation and Kink.

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